Saturday, May 28, 2011


Perché lo fai?

I mean, honestly, why do you always compare us to her? 
My stepmother (My brother and I used to call her by her first name Leah, but she cried because we didn't call her mom once her daughter started calling our dad 'dad') always feels the need to compare my brother Steven and I to her daughter. But seriously! It's like, enough already! Do you think she's better than we are? Probably. She always says, 'I love all of you equally'. Bullshit. Total, complete bullshit. You will always love her more than you love us. If one of us does something wrong, she will say 'She has never done that.' If we come home late, 'She is always here maybe 5 minutes before curfew.' 
She's always doing that. I hate it so much. What makes you think you have the right to compare me to her? 
New flash, bitch- you don't. 

 Distinti psicoticamente, 
                           Artista Sconosciuto <3

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