Thursday, May 12, 2011

Parents have very different views.

Che cosa è con i ragazzi adolescenti e di essere così lezioso regine dramma cagna?

It's like, enough! Seriously! I have this friend that is such a drama queen! There was a situation earlier today regarding my friends girlfriend, I will spare you the details. It's not like their relationship was at stake or anything, but he flipped shit! His girlfriend is rubbing off on him. 

Anywhoozle, (I love that word, my friend used it once and I was like WOAH :O haha)

I have learned that parents have different views on things. Very different. I put the situation in front of my stepmom, and she goes, 'Well maybe he doesn't want people to know that he has a girlfriend.' I resisted the urge to shout out 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! They've been together for like, 7 months! They walk around school kissing and holding hands! You seriously think he doesn't want people to know that he's dating a really pretty cheerleader? Goodness, Ma!'  
But parents have very different views. That's why I just stop talking about certain things 'round my parents. They will always make me feel like my view is incorrect, or someone else's is sooo much better. 

Non si può semplicemente d'accordo con me su una cosa?

Distinti psicoticamente,                            Artista Sconosciuto <3 

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