Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Sarei il primo a dire, ognuno ha opinioni diverse.
About, religion. Music. Style. Food. Pretty much everything. In my circle of friends, we have had more feuds regarding opinions about religion than I can even count. We have athiests, agnostics, christians, catholics, baptists, and one satanic child. Just kidding.Psh, I'm not referring to me, 'cause I definitely don't sacrifice goats on the weekends...Kidding, again. It's a joke.Honestly. There are no satanic people that I know personally. Wait....actually, one. He's creepy. But nice. Anyways! If someone ever brings up the fantastic time they had at Sunday mass, and they hear so-and-so go 'bleh..', That's how it always starts. I happen to be agnostic, but it took at least 3 facebook information changes and tons of thinking to finally decide, I still have absolutely no idea. Haha, I have friends who still invite me to youth group, or Wednesday mass. It's always one of those Thanks, but no thanks situations. 
Music, something else we all have sooo many different opinions about.I personally, love anything that falls in the Rock-metal-screamo-and like 58743923 other sub categories. Bands like A Day To Remember, Pierce The Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, and Bullet For My Valentine, to name a few. I am honestly not a big fan of country music. I grew up listening to Bob Marley, Green Day, Rock, and this amazing italian opera album my mom used to play. I can't find the name of it, and I can't really ask my mom. Must...keep...searching. Opinions....they tear people apart and pull them closer. It's crazy how a few measly words can do that to people.
Distinti psicoticamente,                            Artista Sconosciuto <3 

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