Saturday, May 28, 2011


Perché lo fai?

I mean, honestly, why do you always compare us to her? 
My stepmother (My brother and I used to call her by her first name Leah, but she cried because we didn't call her mom once her daughter started calling our dad 'dad') always feels the need to compare my brother Steven and I to her daughter. But seriously! It's like, enough already! Do you think she's better than we are? Probably. She always says, 'I love all of you equally'. Bullshit. Total, complete bullshit. You will always love her more than you love us. If one of us does something wrong, she will say 'She has never done that.' If we come home late, 'She is always here maybe 5 minutes before curfew.' 
She's always doing that. I hate it so much. What makes you think you have the right to compare me to her? 
New flash, bitch- you don't. 

 Distinti psicoticamente, 
                           Artista Sconosciuto <3

Friday, May 20, 2011


Affilare i denti e morso così difficile come si desidera ;D 
Those are lyrics from the song The Sky Under The Sea by Pierce the Veil x) Except they sing in english, not italian XDI love Pierce the Veil :D  Yay for mexican bands(The singer and the drummer are mexican :D) from San Diego, California? Yes!!

They are my FAVORITE band, as well as Bring Me The Horizon and A Day to Remember :) They are all AMAZING live!! I saw them on the last day of the Gamechangers tour, in St. Pete at Jannus Live :D We Came As Romans also played. They were ok :p 
There were many highlights of the night, but my favorite was when I met Jaime Preciado from Pierce the Veil! 

As I was walking back to the car with my best friend Marissa, her older sister and her older sister's boyfriend, we just happened to walk past all of the bands' tour buses. We sat around a few minutes to see if any bands would show up, but no one showed. So as we are about to walk away, I see Jaime walk up with some old man. They were in a deep conversation about who knows what, but I stopped dead in my tracks. Everyone else I was with was all Come on, let's go. Wait, who is that? It's Jaime Preciado! The Bassist for PTV! Holy shit!! The old guy walks onto their bus, but I start babbling like a crazy-off-my-shit fan girl. I felt ridiculous. But as I'm sitting here, with no one else around except who I came with, pouring my freaking heart out to this guy about how much I love PTV, and that this was my first show and how absolutely amazing everyone was. Then he's all like 'Awe, come here!' and he gave me a huge ass bear hug x) I was like omigod this is amazing. Then I apologized for acting so crazy and he's being such a sweetie about it, he's like It's ok, it happen's all the time haha :D' Then a line started forming, and everyone was like Omg! She got the first talk! Lucky! Then my friend was like Ok, come on let's get home haha. My only regret was not taking a freaking picture with him!! Why wouldn't I? Goodness! He is such a sweetheart :) 
And Vic Fuentes, the singer, is absolutely amazing. He sang to a girl on stage and held her hand! I was SO FREAKING CLOSE to going upstage, but he probably saw how young I look so he picked someone else :( I love this picture of him x) 
Haha, he's not that mean x) He's actually a sweetheart :D Here's a better pic :D 
Vic Fuentes and Tony Perry (Vic does vox and guitar, and Tony does lead guitar :D) 
Tony Perry is so cool. 

I looovvvveeeee their drummer Mike Fuentes (Vic Fuentes' brother) 
Check out this video, it's amazing x) 
Aanndddd here's two of my favorite songs from PTV, the first one including Jeremy McKinnon of ADTR :D 

Amazing <3 <3 <3 I love love love ptv :3 
A Day To Remember is amazing. They're such a good band, I  highly recommend that you listen to them :D They're from Ocala, Florida! (I could walk there in less than an hour :O) 

During the first band that played, WCAR, Marissa says Holy shit! It's Alex!! as she was pointing up to the second level, I saw Alex Shelnutt of ADTR smoking on top of the stairs. He is the drummer, and his nickname is Golden Eagle :p 
So we're putting up eagles, which is what he's doing in this picture:
And he saw us. 
I don't know how, being that we were the two shortest people in the crowd, but he did. He looks around, spots us with our eagles up, and he points and goes GOLDEN EAGLE!! Yeah!! And puts up an eagle too xD We were like FUCK YES!! It was so freaking cool. 

Jeremy McKinnon of A Day To Remember is awesome. He does lead vocals (including screaming :D) 

He's great. I don't know why, but he's just freaking amazing. 

This is Joshua Woodard, their bassist. He's freaking awesome. I love him. :D

This is Kevin Skaff (Guitarist) and all of his amazingness, 

And here is the other guitarist Neil Westfall :D

Amazing :D Here's a few songs...

OK! Now for Bring Me The Horizon :D 
These guys are a British screamo/metalcore band from Sheffield, England. 

Oliver (Oli) Sykes does lead vox. He's awesome. But his voice sounds like it's dying, because of screaming so much :( He's still freaking AWESOME though :D He's all vegetarian and junk :p
These guys were fan-freakin'-TASTIC live :D x) 

I would post more pictures, but the photo uploader keeps saying that it's an invalid server or some shit D: 
SO! Here's some videos of BMTH <3 

Well, these are my favorite bands! I hope you like one, some, or all of them :D 

Distinti psicoticamente,                            Artista Sconosciuto <3

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Your Scene Sucks.

So, being grounded sucks my non existent balls. I have been wandering the internet searching for some kind of entertainment, and I came across It's awesome, because it features so many different kinds of stereotypes x) I love it. 

Soo, like 30 Seconds to Mars says, Launch forth into the deep. And check out this website ;D

Distinti psicoticamente,                            Artista Sconosciuto <3 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Parents have very different views.

Che cosa è con i ragazzi adolescenti e di essere così lezioso regine dramma cagna?

It's like, enough! Seriously! I have this friend that is such a drama queen! There was a situation earlier today regarding my friends girlfriend, I will spare you the details. It's not like their relationship was at stake or anything, but he flipped shit! His girlfriend is rubbing off on him. 

Anywhoozle, (I love that word, my friend used it once and I was like WOAH :O haha)

I have learned that parents have different views on things. Very different. I put the situation in front of my stepmom, and she goes, 'Well maybe he doesn't want people to know that he has a girlfriend.' I resisted the urge to shout out 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! They've been together for like, 7 months! They walk around school kissing and holding hands! You seriously think he doesn't want people to know that he's dating a really pretty cheerleader? Goodness, Ma!'  
But parents have very different views. That's why I just stop talking about certain things 'round my parents. They will always make me feel like my view is incorrect, or someone else's is sooo much better. 

Non si può semplicemente d'accordo con me su una cosa?

Distinti psicoticamente,                            Artista Sconosciuto <3 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Sarei il primo a dire, ognuno ha opinioni diverse.
About, religion. Music. Style. Food. Pretty much everything. In my circle of friends, we have had more feuds regarding opinions about religion than I can even count. We have athiests, agnostics, christians, catholics, baptists, and one satanic child. Just kidding.Psh, I'm not referring to me, 'cause I definitely don't sacrifice goats on the weekends...Kidding, again. It's a joke.Honestly. There are no satanic people that I know personally. Wait....actually, one. He's creepy. But nice. Anyways! If someone ever brings up the fantastic time they had at Sunday mass, and they hear so-and-so go 'bleh..', That's how it always starts. I happen to be agnostic, but it took at least 3 facebook information changes and tons of thinking to finally decide, I still have absolutely no idea. Haha, I have friends who still invite me to youth group, or Wednesday mass. It's always one of those Thanks, but no thanks situations. 
Music, something else we all have sooo many different opinions about.I personally, love anything that falls in the Rock-metal-screamo-and like 58743923 other sub categories. Bands like A Day To Remember, Pierce The Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, and Bullet For My Valentine, to name a few. I am honestly not a big fan of country music. I grew up listening to Bob Marley, Green Day, Rock, and this amazing italian opera album my mom used to play. I can't find the name of it, and I can't really ask my mom. Must...keep...searching. Opinions....they tear people apart and pull them closer. It's crazy how a few measly words can do that to people.
Distinti psicoticamente,                            Artista Sconosciuto <3 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why, hello there!

Perché, ciao ci colleghi blogger!
Oh, come mi piace confondere la gente, scrivendo in lingua straniera :)  
Google translate, friends x) 
So, I have decided to start a blog, as you can see. Finally! A way to express shtuff without my parents watching my every move. I think it will be pretty interesting. Well, being that I hear footsteps, I shall type you guys later. 

Distinti psicoticamente,                            Artista Sconosciuto <3