Saturday, July 9, 2011


Psst! I need to tell you something..
Just kidding. 

SOO, I was trolling around youtube last night, and I came across a cover of a song that I love. In the description, the guy was like Please, check out my band! Their band is called Secrets, and they're really good :D Their new song Somewhere in Hiding is great :) 
 The song 40 Below is really good too :)

Soo, check these guys out!! :) 

Distinti psicoticamente, 
                           Artista Sconosciuto <3
P.S. The new video for Pierce the Veil's song Bulletproof Love is great :) 
I could listen to this song all day :D
P.S.S. Why was six afraid of seven?                                  It wasn't. Numbers are not sentient thus incapable of feeling fear.

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