Sunday, June 26, 2011


I really love Starbucks. It pains me to be sitting here, using their Wi-Fi, drinking a one-dollar Diet Coke from McDonald's. Fuck my life. I am too poor to afford Starbucks. Just kidding, I spent all of my money here yesterday on a Venti java chip frappuccino with an extra shot of coffee. And a Trenta passion iced tea. YUM. 

There are so many hipsters that come here. *Other voice shouts out* WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK, IT'S STARBUCKS! 
Sittin' here with my friend and her soon-to-be-boyfriend :D he's nice.

This whole group of people just sat like RIGHT in front of us -__-  Ugh. 'You could see Cirque de Soleil 10 times, and you wouldn't even see everything there is to see.' Please. Be quiet. I want to move. 

Oh well. 

Distinti psicoticamente, 
                           Artista Sconosciuto <3
P.S. Why did Grandfather climb the pole with bananas in his backpack? WHY?
                                                                 He has a debilitating disease and is slowly losing touch with reality.


  1. I used to be a fan of Starbucks but I realized I could make my own extra strong coffee at home for $10 cheaper. I've always been more of a Dunkin' Donuts type of person anyway. Still, I've always felt bad about feeding money to these already multimillion dollar industries so the local town's tea and coffee shops will have to suffice.

    Anti Knock-Knock Joke:
    Knock Knock.
    Who's there?
    Jimmy who?
    Jimmy then breaks down crying with the knowledge that his grandmother's Alzheimer has progressed so far that she can no longer remember her grandchild.

  2. Seriously? Shweeet. Haha
    Knock Knock.
    Who's there?
    To who?
    To whom.
