Sunday, June 26, 2011


I really love Starbucks. It pains me to be sitting here, using their Wi-Fi, drinking a one-dollar Diet Coke from McDonald's. Fuck my life. I am too poor to afford Starbucks. Just kidding, I spent all of my money here yesterday on a Venti java chip frappuccino with an extra shot of coffee. And a Trenta passion iced tea. YUM. 

There are so many hipsters that come here. *Other voice shouts out* WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK, IT'S STARBUCKS! 
Sittin' here with my friend and her soon-to-be-boyfriend :D he's nice.

This whole group of people just sat like RIGHT in front of us -__-  Ugh. 'You could see Cirque de Soleil 10 times, and you wouldn't even see everything there is to see.' Please. Be quiet. I want to move. 

Oh well. 

Distinti psicoticamente, 
                           Artista Sconosciuto <3
P.S. Why did Grandfather climb the pole with bananas in his backpack? WHY?
                                                                 He has a debilitating disease and is slowly losing touch with reality.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Da fuck!?

So, I wake up this morning, walk into the living room, and six of my sister's friends passed out in the living room.
I'm just like, what the fuck happened last night? It was my sister's graduation party, and apparently the teens took advantage of the adults being gone and went for the keg. Oh damn. My parents were fine with it, but I don't think they expected everyone to spend the night, for I just found three more people in my sister's room. This is uneven: two girls and six guys. lol. And I guarantee you that at least ONE person will be saying 'I can't find my damn keys'. It happens EVERY time.

I just got asked for aspirin. I must go.

 Distinti psicoticamente, 
                           Artista Sconosciuto <3
P.S. Here's an 'anti-joke'                            There's an Irishman, a black man, and a jewish man.                                      What a fine example of an integrated community.